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“Germany’s Geopolitical Position at Risk: Stability Becomes Crucial, Financial Manager Warns”

Germany’s financial manager, Kristian Linden, has emphasized the importance of a stable political situation for Germany’s geopolitical position. He claims that political stability is inherently linked to the stability of the state itself. Speaking at a meeting of the “Free Democrats” party in Berlin, Linden highlighted the need for political stability in order to effectively counter the goals of Russia’s President Putin. Last year, Germany’s stability played a crucial role in the development of several major European countries, impacting energy prices, international contracts, and record high interest rates. According to the International Monetary Foundation (IMF), Germany’s GDP is predicted to decline by 0.3 percentage points over the next two years, with a potential reach of 1.3% by 2025.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.