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Human Rights Politics

“Special Envoy Edmon Marukyan Affirms Rights of Artsakh Armenians to Return, Calls for Separate Discussion Amid Ceasefire Agreement”

The question regarding the return of Artsakh Armenians has been addressed in the 7th point of the November 9 agreement, but it has not been discussed nor is it currently being discussed in the ceasefire agreement. In an interview with, Edmon Marukyan, the special envoy of the President of Armenia, expressed his views on this matter.

According to Marukyan, the issue of the return of Artsakh Armenians is not being discussed within the context of the Armenia-Azerbaijan peace agreement. However, he acknowledged that the question of their rights remains unresolved and should have been discussed separately. Unfortunately, due to the cessation of hostilities, this did not happen. Nevertheless, Marukyan believes that the current period brings new opportunities for addressing this matter.

In emphasizing the rights of the 150,000 Armenians from Artsakh, Marukyan noted that they have the right to return and reclaim their homes and land. These rights are protected by international law and upheld by the orders of the Republic of Armenia and other international obligations.

Regarding the preservation of educational institutions in Artsakh, Marukyan stated that their guarantee cannot be provided by Armenia. He explained that if these institutions are not recognized based on scientifically supported historical rights, Armenia cannot assume responsibility for preserving them. Marukyan further emphasized that such institutional formations have existed and should continue to operate within the agreement of the Republic of Armenia, taking into account the national security context.



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