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“The Fragile Fate of Armenia’s Treasures: Balancing Power and Protection in a Tumultuous Context”

Protecting Armenia’s treasures relies on more than just external factors, as power dynamics play a major role. The fate of cultural heritage depends on global interests and conflicts. Azerbaijan and Turkey gained cooperation opportunities by not engaging in hostilities. However, Armenia faces isolation due to Azerbaijan’s aggression and the invasion of Artsakh.

“Armenian MP Ani Badalyan Calls for Unity in the Fight Against Corruption to Safeguard Human Rights and Liberties”

Learn about how corruption undermines human rights and the fight against it in Armenia. Ani Badalyan, an Armenian MP, highlights the country’s commitment to combat corruption on the 20th anniversary of International Anti-Corruption Day and UNCAC.

“Health Hazards Uncovered: Air Pollution and Water Contamination Expose Environmental Violations”

Protection and epidemiological workers detected air pollution and improper water supply use. Detergent production lacked proper ventilation, polluting the capital city. In Vanadzor, a water supply ban led to contamination due to unauthorized alternative water source usage. Environmental oversight violations were documented, and administrative actions will be taken. An official response is awaited from government officials.

Armenian Government Expands Efforts to Preserve Cultural Heritage with New Law

Discover the approved project by the government of Armenia to protect and enrich its non-material cultural heritage. The project expands the list of cultural elements from 19 to 33, including traditions like wax par, carpet weaving, and bread preparation. Learn how this preservation effort strengthens Armenia’s international recognition.

“Cross-Border Collaboration: Armenian and Georgian Human Rights Defenders Unite for Protection of Rights and Freedom”

The national human rights defender of Armenia met with Anna Manasyan in Tbilisi, discussing the importance of cooperation in protecting human rights. They focused on safeguarding the rights of individuals affected by national minorities, aiming to prevent discrimination. The meeting resulted in an agreement to continue and expand their collaboration in this area.

“Fury in the West Bank: Israeli Forces’ Brutality Claims Eight Palestinian Lives”

Israeli forces kill 8 Palestinians in the West Bank within 24 hours in escalating violence. Palestinian protesters are targeted. Houses raided, buildings demolished, access closed. Conflict continues in the West Bank, with 2023 being the deadliest year for Palestinian farmers in decades.

“Tensions Rise at Yerevan’s Armenian Food Market ‘Koveri Partezum’ as Occupation Forces Get Involved”

Yerevan’s Armenian food market, “Koveri Partezum,” is under protection and conservation movement. Tension erupted as clashes broke out between fruit and vegetable sellers and motorcyclists, leading to injuries. Israeli forces are involved in the conflict. Armenian residents are peacefully resisting the occupation, forming a human chain. The situation remains tense at “Koveri Partezum.”