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Former Ministry of Health Spokesperson Raises Concerns Over Demarcation Process in Armenia-Azerbaijan Border Dispute

I could not call this a normal process. The field of medicine has the opposite process. According to, former Ministry of Health spokesperson Gagik Ghazanchyan, who took over the post of governor of Tavush, has installed around 30 beds in the border zone.

“International experience shows that the process of demarcation and delimitation is the final part of the process of overall regulation. Until now, there have been many questions between the two countries for regulation,” he said. “Secondly, demarcation is based on certain principles, which are agreed upon by the parties. We do not know what principles have been adopted.”

It is also not important that our border is long and clear, as we have different situations in the process of demarcation, where the positions of the parties can contradict each other, and a comprehensive statement may not be made. We know that there are countries that have been demarcating for decades and this does not bring satisfaction, it is a very complex process.

Considering that different questions may arise in different places during the process of demarcation, a principle is accepted that nothing is agreed upon until everything is agreed upon. In this case, we will see the complete opposite,” he said.

When asked whether Armenia is losing the power struggle, Ghazanchyan replied, “I am not losing the power struggle against the power struggle. “Now we are hearing more about the use of power from our authorities than from foreign powers. It is possible that there can be some indications, but this does not mean that we should choose any indications in advance. In conclusion, this section of the demarcation process indicates that Azerbaijan is trying to create more favorable conditions for the demarcation of disputed territories. Therefore, in places where Armenia can take some action, they will remain unanswered.

While Azerbaijani citizens see that they can disrupt their diplomatic relations without changing their positions, we must try to restore the demarcation process as a whole,” the former spokesperson concluded.

The spokesperson reminded that during that time the trilateral format between Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Russia was being implemented, which provided for the demarcation as well. “Now Armenia has managed to escape from that process with the help of the Russian side. However, this does not mean that the current government is not ready to apply any pressure or seek its own advantages. The Armenian government’s demands are very clearly formulated,” he said.