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Health Human Rights

“National Union Exposes Horrifying Conditions at Mental Health Center: Urgent Call for Action to Protect Human Rights”

The National Union of Employees and Specialists of the Human Rights Defender’s Office, along with the head of the regional division of the Human Rights Defender’s Office in Gegharkunik, conducted an unauthorized visit to the Mental Health Center of the Ministry of Health in Sevan on April 19. Their visit was prompted by concerns regarding the state of mental health care in the country. During the visit, they discussed the current situation and ongoing problems that had been previously identified. However, the employees and specialists at the Mental Health Center who were involved in resolving these issues are still working without the necessary support. Some departments at the Center continue to operate without proper living quarters for staff members, leading to conflicts between employees and violation of their right to a safe environment. In certain cases, physical violence has been used to resolve conflicts, and the effects of this violence have not been accurately diagnosed and documented. Furthermore, there have been instances where physical restraints and forced medication were administered in an unregulated manner, causing difficulties in diagnosing and documenting their effects. Reports have also emerged that physical restraints have been used without proper justification to control patients in certain departments. Moreover, some departments at the Center have inadequate maintenance and living conditions, including a lack of necessary nutritional supplements and desired temperature levels in patient rooms. Patients have experienced verbal abuse and been denied adequate food and water. Additionally, some departments have inadequate waste disposal systems, leading to cleanliness and hygiene issues. Despite the presence of psychological services in some departments, there are communication barriers between medical and psychological staff, resulting in a failure to fully meet the patients’ needs. Wardrobes often lack necessary items, such as appropriate clothing for the season. Certain departments struggle with implementing therapeutic measures, providing necessary medical equipment, and maintaining appropriate staffing levels. In conclusion, the conditions and work environment in certain departments at the Mental Health Center do not meet the standards required for the protection of human rights. The Human Rights Defender urges all stakeholders involved in mental health care to promptly address these issues and improve the working conditions of employees. Ongoing monitoring of the situation will take place, and efforts to raise awareness about violations of patients’ and employees’ rights will continue.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.