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Crime Technology

“Beware of Online Job Scam: National Security Service Exposes Deceptive SMS Offers in Armenia”

In recent days, numerous residents in Armenia have been receiving SMS messages on their mobile phones, tempting them with online job opportunities that promise high incomes. However, the National Security Service (NSS) has issued a warning, labeling this as a deceptive tactic and classifying it as a scam.

The announcement from the NSS emphasizes the potential consequences individuals may face if they fall victim to this scheme, stating that financial difficulties are likely to arise. In order to combat this issue, the NSS urges people to report any similar information they come across to the dedicated hotline for internet fraud, called “Tege Circle,” at 011525252.

It is crucial to remain vigilant and cautious when it comes to online work offers, especially those that seem too good to be true. By reporting such scams, we can play an active role in safeguarding ourselves and others from falling prey to fraud.

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Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.