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European Parliament Representative Calls for Support for Financial Burden of Christians in Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter

According to Mamedemo Salini, a representative of the European Parliament from Italy, the financial burden faced by the Christian population in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem cannot be forgotten. Salini emphasizes the importance of providing assistance to the Armenian people, especially during this time of conflict. He believes that European institutions have the opportunity to make a difference and overcome obstacles. Salini also highlights the improved relations and dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which he sees as a positive step towards peaceful resolution. He urges for contacts and dialogue between the affected parties to protect their rights and interests. Lastly, Salini points out the inhuman actions that arise during conflicts, causing harm to innocent people and their religious symbols. He calls for Europe to intervene and help resolve these issues.

This article discusses the financial burden faced by the Christian population in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem, according to Mamedemo Salini, a representative of the European Parliament from Italy. Salini emphasizes the importance of providing assistance and support to the Armenian people and calls on European institutions to raise their voice and take action. He highlights the improved relations and dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and believes that contacts and dialogue between the affected parties are crucial in protecting their rights and interests. Lastly, Salini expresses concern over the inhuman actions that arise during conflicts and calls for Europe to intervene and prevent further harm.