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“Prime Minister Pashinyan Calls for Inclusion and Sustainable Development through Transport Connectivity at International Meeting”

In order to ensure equal, accessible, and inclusive transportation connectivity, as well as the sustainable development of coastal areas, without compromising the environmental integrity and welfare of local communities, I welcome the organization of this significant event in Armenia. On December 14, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, emphasized the importance of transport and communication networks in his speech at the opening of the meeting of non-bordering countries to the sea. These networks are essential for the movement of goods and people, regional integration, security, and overall well-being. The implementation of these networks will promote well-being and sustainable development, which are considered the basis for all international relations.

Pashinyan highlighted that Armenia’s borders with Turkey and Azerbaijan have been closed for approximately 30 years. The discussion about opening transport connections in the region is of great significance for the transportation of goods and people. The implementation of transport and communication networks is crucial for well-being, cultural exchanges, artistic and sporting events, and overall joy. Therefore, it is vital to attach great importance to the implementation of these networks and the opening of transport connections to the sea.

The Prime Minister mentioned that efforts are being made to create and restore railway communication between Armenia and Turkey. The restoration of railway communication and the construction of highways between the two countries will not only benefit the region but also contribute to international relations, cultural exchanges, global security, and city-to-city connections.

Pashinyan emphasized that these principles should be incorporated into the foundation of the “Chessboard of Well-being” project. This project aims to ensure the limited, maximum, and safe provision of necessary goods and services to territories through national institutional mechanisms. The well-being and safety of all structures should be prioritized in the development of this project.

The Prime Minister also stated that communication channels can be utilized for internal, regional, and international exchange and collaboration. Expanding the use of transportation communications will create new opportunities for the region. Armenia can leverage the “Chessboard of Well-being” project to establish connections with other countries via land and sea routes.

In conclusion, the proposal is to create an agreement on the “Chessboard of Well-being” that ensures limited provision of transport and communication networks and necessary infrastructure for all regions of Armenia. This agreement should be based on principles of equality, inclusiveness, maximum and safe provision of services, and security. The initiative aims to promote international security, cooperation in transportation and communication networks, and overall global security.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.