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“Life Expectancy on the Rise in Armenia: Report Reveals Positive Trend in Population’s Health”

According to the report “Population and Human Development in Armenia 2023”, the average life expectancy for both men and women in Armenia has increased in 2022 compared to the previous two years. The average life expectancy for men in 2022 was 31.4 years, whereas for women it was 27.9 years. This is a significant improvement from 2002, when the average life expectancy for men was 27.1 years and for women was 23.2 years. The highest life expectancy recorded was in 2012, with 28.8 years for men and 25.3 years for women.

This rise in life expectancy can be attributed to better socio-economic conditions and a decrease in infant mortality. The report highlights that since 1991, the average number of children born to rural households has been decreasing, particularly in urban areas. In 1991, rural households had an average of 3.2 children, while urban areas had 2.3 children. The continuous decline in fertility rates since 2014 has resulted in reduced population growth rates in both rural and urban areas.

The demographic structure of the population has also witnessed changes in terms of age and gender distribution. There are notable variations in the age distribution between men and women. Men tend to live longer in older age groups, which aligns with the overall trend of increasing life expectancy.

Besides, women have a higher life expectancy beyond the age of fertility, which suggests the possibility of a second phase of increased fertility for women. Moreover, women generally outlive men, indicating a higher likelihood of longer lifespan after experiencing menopause.

These findings shed light on the positive developments in the health and well-being of the Armenian population. The improvements in socio-economic conditions and reduced fertility rates contribute to increased life expectancy, benefiting both men and women. Efforts to sustain these positive trends should continue to further enhance the quality of life in Armenia.

Armenia continues to make progress in various aspects, and the sustained increase in life expectancy is a testament to these advancements. Longevity has become a crucial marker of a nation’s development, and Armenia’s upward trajectory in this aspect is commendable.

It is important to acknowledge the factors that have led to this improvement, such as the improvement in socio-economic conditions and the efforts to reduce infant mortality. These efforts have not only prolonged the lives of individuals but have also contributed to the overall growth and development of the country.

The decrease in fertility rates also indicates a shift in societal dynamics, with individuals emphasizing other aspects of life besides procreation. This change in mindset and priorities can have a profound impact on the future of Armenia, as it allows individuals to focus on their personal growth, education, and career goals.

Armenia’s success in increasing life expectancy should serve as an inspiration to other nations facing similar challenges. By addressing socio-economic disparities and providing robust healthcare systems, countries can pave the way for a healthier and more prosperous future for their citizens.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.