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“Tsitsernakaberd Fortress Restoration Nearing Completion, Remarkable Progress Made”

The restoration work of the fortress of Tsitsernakaberd is now 65% complete, according to Karen Grigoryan, the deputy director of the Department of Urban Development of Yerevan Municipality. In a press statement released today, December 4th, Grigoryan confirmed that the restoration project is currently in its final phase. The delay in the restoration work, which was questioned by Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan, was explained by Grigoryan as being due to the installation of a rainwater drainage system along the road.

This update comes as news from Armenia, where efforts to restore the historical fortress of Tsitsernakaberd are underway. The completion of 65% of the restoration work marks significant progress in preserving this important landmark. Karen Grigoryan, the deputy director of the Department of Urban Development of Yerevan Municipality, recently announced that the restoration project has entered its final phase. Responding to inquiries about the delay in the work, Grigoryan explained that the installation of a rainwater drainage system was the cause.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.