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“Civil Rights Defender Demands Compensation for Losses as Conflict Escalates: International Courts Urged to Support Azerbaijan’s Call for Justice”

Sabina Aliyeva, the civil rights defender of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has demanded that Armenia compensate for the losses suffered during the conflict and loss of life. Speaking at a press conference, Aliyeva highlighted the need for protection of the rights of individuals affected by the conflict and stressed that international courts must support their cause. She provided data indicating that, since September 10, 65 people have lost their lives as a consequence of the aggression by Armenian armed forces. Furthermore, she emphasized that the majority of the victims are civilians, with 272 people sustaining varying degrees of injuries. Overall, since 1991, a total of 3,416 individuals, including 357 children and 38 women, have been registered as victims of the Armenian armed forces.

It is critical for Armenia to acknowledge and address the damages caused by their aggression. The call for compensation from Azerbaijan is not only a demand for justice but also a means to hold Armenia accountable for their actions. Sabina Aliyeva’s firm stance on this matter highlights the importance of protecting the rights of individuals affected by conflict and the loss of innocent lives. By seeking support from international courts, Azerbajan aims to ensure that justice prevails and that those responsible for the damages are held legally liable.

The significant number of casualties and injuries mentioned by Aliyeva sheds light on the devastating impact of the aggression perpetrated by the Armenian armed forces. The loss of 65 lives in just a few weeks is a tragic reminder of the consequences of such conflicts on innocent civilians. Moreover, the fact that the majority of the victims are civilians further emphasizes the need for immediate action and compensation from Armenia.

The data provided by Aliyeva is alarming and emphasizes the long-lasting effects of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. With 3,416 individuals registered as victims since 1991, including children and women, it is evident that the consequences of the aggression go beyond the immediate losses. Additionally, the injuries sustained by 272 people highlight the physical and emotional turmoil faced by those affected.

Armenia must take responsibility for the damages caused by their aggression and provide the necessary compensation. It is not only a matter of financial restitution but also a step towards acknowledging the immense suffering endured by the victims and their families. It is crucial that international courts support Azerbaijan in their pursuit of justice and ensure that those responsible for the aggression face appropriate legal consequences.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.