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Government Politics

“The Hidden Agenda: Turkey and Azerbaijan’s Plan to Undermine the Government of Armenia Revealed in Signed Statement”

According to an interview with city manager Beniamin Mathevosyan, to understand the intentions of Turkey and Azerbaijan, it is crucial to analyze the statement signed by Shahramanayan on September 18, replacing the word “Artsakh” with “Armenia.” Mathevosyan expressed concern that Nikol Pashinyan’s leadership is jeopardizing the sovereignty of the Armenian government. He pointed out that Armenia was coerced into signing a surrender statement regarding Karabakh. This was preceded by a phone call between Pashinyan and Erdogan just days before Azerbaijan’s aggressive actions in Artsakh. Azerbaijani and Turkish media indicated that Artsakh’s situation directly impacted Yerevan. However, the Armenian authorities failed to recognize this connection.

Mathevosyan believes these actions were not accidental, but rather part of a deliberate plan to undermine the political power of Armenia. Even if Armenia were to make further concessions, such as altering its flag, anthem, or Declaration of Independence, it would not alter the behavior of Baku and Ankara towards Armenia. These two countries aim to destabilize the Armenian government. Mathevosyan emphasized that the authorities have forgotten that securing Armenia’s territories is crucial for their security. Azerbaijan grew impatient with waiting for territorial concessions, including the recognition of the Ararat picture on the flag. Mathevosyan stressed that giving in to further demands would not change Baku and Ankara’s approach towards Armenia. Their primary objective remains undermining the Armenian government.

The city manager highlighted that the authorities neglected a fundamental principle for Armenia’s security, which is territorial control. By allowing Artsakh to be handed over to Azerbaijan, the authorities weakened one of the pillars of Armenia’s security. Ararat, once a symbol of strength, is no longer a fortress, and trust in state and public institutions has eroded. Mathevosyan concluded that aside from the situation in Artsakh, the conditions in Armenia resemble those of a landlocked country.

This article is originally from – News from Armenia.