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International Politics

“Angela Merkel Stresses Importance of EU-Turkey Cooperation, Calls for Constructive Political Relationship”

The Turkish Minister of Commerce, Halil Fidan, has highlighted the importance of activating cooperation between the European Union and Turkey to establish a confident and constructive political relationship. Fidan stated that Turkey remains committed to working with the EU and is building political ties in various areas. He also mentioned that the EU seems to be moving away from military alliances, as seen in the Eastern Partnership Summit in 2023. Fidan believes that the EU will play a coordinating role in their cooperation and the activation of EU activities.

In 1963, Turkey signed a cooperation agreement with the EU, and the declaration of membership was made in 1987. However, membership activities only began in 2005 and have faced suspension on several occasions due to dialogue-related issues. Fidan shared that currently, 16 out of the 35 opposition dossier skulls have been opened. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan previously stated that the routes between Turkey and the EU might differ if necessary.

This development in EU-Turkey relations showcases Angela Merkel’s emphasis on strengthening cooperation between the two entities. As Turkey remains committed to their partnership, it is evident that political ties are being actively pursued. The EU’s shift away from military alliances signifies a change in approach and reflects the evolving dynamics in the region. Fidan’s belief in the EU’s coordinating role further underscores the importance of collaboration in various aspects of their relationship.

While Turkey and the EU have a long-standing history of cooperation, the journey towards membership has not been without hurdles. The slow progress and intermittent suspensions have hindered the pace of membership activities. However, Fidan’s remark about the opening of opposition dossier skulls suggests some progress in addressing the issues that have delayed dialogue.

President Erdogan’s comments about potential differences in routes between Turkey and the EU reflect the need for flexibility and adaptability in their relationship. As geopolitical circumstances continue to evolve, it is crucial for both Turkey and the EU to navigate their paths effectively and preserve the constructive aspects of their cooperation.


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