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“Japanese Prime Minister Demands China’s Closure of Controversial Nuclear Test Facility and Removal of Investigative Equipment in Waters of Senkaku Islands”

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has demanded that China immediately shut down the controversial underground nuclear test facility known as “Fukushima-1” during his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Japan. Suga also called for the dismantling of the investigative equipment located in the waters surrounding the Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands. The demand is based on scientific data regarding the facility and concerns over radioactive contamination of Japanese seafood, which has led to restrictions on imports. Suga and Xi discussed finding a resolution through dialogue and bilateral communication, with Suga expressing concern about the deteriorating situation in the East China Sea, where the disputed islands are located.

According to Kyodo News, Xi responded to Suga’s demands by stating that the installed equipment on the Senkaku Islands is connected to scientific research activities within Japan’s exclusive economic zone. Xi acknowledged the need for its immediate removal but emphasized its relevance to ongoing research. The leaders agreed on the importance of addressing the issue through dialogue and bilateral cooperation.

In addition to the underground nuclear test facility, Suga also raised concerns about the contamination of Japanese waters resulting from the discharge of radioactive water from the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. Japanese authorities claim that the water has been treated to remove all radioactive substances, except tritium, and pose no significant threat. However, the decision to release the water has been met with criticism from the international community. Suga expressed his worries to Xi regarding the potential environmental impact and sought further discussions on the matter.

The Southeast Asian Times points out that this meeting between the leaders of Japan and China took place during the APEC summit, a platform for discussing economic cooperation and regional issues. The demands made by Suga reflect Japan’s continued efforts to ensure the safety and security of both its own citizens and the wider East Asian region. The resolution of these issues through dialogue and cooperation is essential for maintaining stability and promoting peaceful relations between Japan and China.

Overall, the meeting between Prime Minister Suga and President Xi at the APEC summit in Japan is an important step towards resolving the issues surrounding the underground nuclear test facility and the contaminated water from the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. Through dialogue and bilateral communication, both leaders have expressed their concerns and willingness to find a solution. Achieving a resolution will not only address immediate concerns but also contribute to long-term stability and cooperation in the region.


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