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“November 7 Weather Forecast: No Rain in the Republic, Strong Winds Expected in the North”

On November 7, the republic is expected to have no precipitation, according to meteorologists. However, there will be strong winds in the northern regions, with speeds of 13-16 meters per second. In Yerevan, the temperature will range from +6 to +8 degrees Celsius during the early morning hours and rise to +20 to +22 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Here are the temperature forecasts for various regions:

Shirak: -1 to +4 degrees Celsius at night and +13 to +16 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Kotayk: 0 to +5 degrees Celsius at night and +12 to +15 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Kotayk mountains: +6 to +8 degrees Celsius at night and +17 to +20 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Sevan lake: 0 to +5 degrees Celsius at night and +11 to +15 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Lori: +3 to +8 degrees Celsius at night and +16 to +20 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Tavush: +7 to +11 degrees Celsius at night and +18 to +22 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Aragatsotn mountains: 0 to +3 degrees Celsius at night and +11 to +14 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Aragatsotn: +6 to +8 degrees Celsius at night and +17 to +21 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Ararat: +6 to +9 degrees Celsius at night and +21 to +24 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Armavir: +5 to +8 degrees Celsius at night and +21 to +24 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Vayots dzor mountains: +2 to +4 degrees Celsius at night and +12 to +14 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Vayots dzor: +7 to +9 degrees Celsius at night and +20 to +23 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Syunik plains: +9 to +13 degrees Celsius at night and +21 to +24 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

Syunik mountains: +3 to +8 degrees Celsius at night and +16 to +20 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.



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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.