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US Secretary of Defense

“US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to Visit Israel Amidst Escalating Tensions and Rising Civilian Casualties in Gaza Strip”

US Secretary of Defense Austin to visit Israel amid escalating tensions. He aims to assess the situation in Gaza and evaluate Israel’s security measures. The visit follows a condemnation of incidents and calls for restraint by the US.

US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, Embarks on Diplomatic Mission to Middle East and Israel, Reinforcing Commitment to Regional Security

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin will discuss cooperation with the Israeli military during his visit to the Middle East and Israel. He will affirm the US commitment to Israel’s security and discuss follow-on steps. Bilateral intelligence and counterterrorism operations will also be discussed. In Bahrain, Austin will focus on creating US coalition capabilities to respond to aggression in the Persian Gulf. He will visit the US Naval Forces Central Command headquarters. The visit also includes a visit to the US Navy’s “Gerald R. Ford” aircraft carrier in the Eastern Mediterranean.

“US Boosts Military Aid to Ukraine with $100 Million Package; Anti-Tank Weapons and Defensive Systems Included”

US Secretary of Defense announces $100 million military aid to Ukraine, including anti-tank weapons and defensive systems for their forces.

“US Secretary of Defense Affirms Unwavering Support for Ukraine’s Sovereignty in Key Kyiv Meeting”

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to reaffirm support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and security. US assistance to continue, despite concerns.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Arrives in Kiev to Reaffirm Support Against Russian Aggression

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin arrives in Kiev to reaffirm US support for Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression. Discussions on joint military exercises and provision of lethal aid will take place. Austin will also attend the Contact Group on Security Cooperation meeting in Canada.

“US and Russian Defense Ministers Hold Telephone Conversation to Discuss Security Situation in Ukraine”

US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, conversed with Russian Defense Minister, Sergey Shoigu, on Ukraine’s security situation. They also discussed upcoming programs organized by the contact group on Ukraine.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Ready to Engage Iranian-Backed Militias in Iraq to Protect American Forces: Reports

US Defense Secretary ready to engage with Iranian-backed militias in Iraq to deter attacks on American forces in Iraq and Syria. Recent attacks on US and coalition forces have raised concerns over a possible war between Israel and Hamas. Secretary Austin vows to protect American troops and targets objects used by pro-Iranian militias.

“US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, pledges unwavering support to Ukraine in a high-level phone call with Defense Minister Ruslan Bermudez”

US Secretary of Defense,Lloyd Austin, and Ukraine’s Minister of Defense,Ruslan Bermudez,discuss recent security developments and express support.A conversation about security cooperation programs and upcoming meeting is made, showing their commitment to maintain close ties.

“US Defense Secretary Warns: Without Support, Russia Will Succeed in Ukraine”

US Secretary of Defense warns Russia’s success in Ukraine is imminent without continued US support for Kiev. Austin emphasizes the potential suffering and success for Ukraine.