
The perfect balance on news and information


Government Law & Order

“Bagrat Serbaz Speaks Truth: The Power of Justice overshadowed by Lifeless Laws in Our Country”

Discover the importance of justice and truth in our society. Understand how laws should serve the people, not the authorities. Explore how the absence of justice leads to stagnation and the need for change. Dive into Bagrat Serbaz’s powerful statement about the fight for justice.

Opinion Politics

“Silent Voices: Recognizing the Importance of Those who Choose to Remain Silent in a World of Talkers”

Recognizing the importance of truth and silence, Serge Petrosyan, head of Public Council’s participation, shares his vision for the Movement’s organization. He invites residents of Voskepar to consider their intentions. Stay updated with on Telegram for more news from Armenia.

Local News Religion

“Holy Father Bartholomew: Disagreement Signifies Truth Prevails in Our Country”

The Holy Father highlighted the importance of embracing disagreements and the prevail of truth. A resident mentioned not holding grudges and the flexibility to build a church in Shurnukh. Read more on


“Tavush Province Leader, Nikolay, Urges Tavush Residents in Yerevan to Stand up for Truth in Unprecedented Call for Justice”

Tavush province leader, Nikolay, calls on Tavush residents in Yerevan to support truth and justice. Over 70% of residents endorse him, while those against him may pose a threat. This movement has potential to bring justice to the country.

Archbishop Galstanyan Calls for Protection of Faith, Justice, and Unity in Powerful Sermon

Protecting faith, remaining faithful to justice, and retaining unity are the most difficult tasks. Archbishop Galstanyan emphasizes the importance of truth and justice for true joy. We must not be swayed by material or non-material concerns. Ultimately, our task is to protect justice, stay true to truth, and enjoy joy.