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social network

“Public Health Organization Reports Alarming Surge in Infections in Gaz Health Facilities”

The public health organization (PHO) reports a significant increase in infections in health facilities in Gaz. Hospitals, ambulance vehicles, and medical personnel have been affected. The situation remains critical, with high mortality and infection rates among hospital workers and intensive care units. The Nasser hospital’s ventilation systems are intolerable.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo Slams Social Network Giants, Renames Twitter as “Closed Global Village”

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo plans to delete her Twitter page, renaming the social network as a “closed global village.” She criticizes social networks and founder Elon Musk for promoting violence and hatred. Hidalgo believes social networks are used for manipulation, misinformation, and extremism. Musk faced a lawsuit for inciting public debate around hate speech. He now vows to ban users supporting terrorism.

“Hezbollah’s Social Media Silence: X Network Suspends Account Amid Terrorism Concerns, Jerusalem Post Reports”

“Hezbollah” account suspended on X social network for promoting violence and terrorist activities. Recognized as a terrorist organization by the US government in 1997.