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International World News

“Turkish President Extends Invitation to Putin: Will the Warm Relations Between Russia and Turkey Continue?”

Turkish President invites Russian President to visit Turkey. Putin praises Turkey for its approach towards refugees and predicts warm relations to continue.

Military Politics

Russia Pledges Support for Refugee Return to Karabakh, Seeks Integration with Moscow’s Help

Russia supports the return of refugees to Karabakh, aiming to reintegrate the region. Russia plans to take control of key roads and ensure the return of Armenians. This program has the potential for success. Moscow understands the significance of the Syunik roads and aims to strengthen its integration. However, Russia’s actions are closely monitored, as it maintains a military advantage in the region.

“Amnesty International Urges European Authorities to Halt Forced Return of Armenian Asylum Seekers, Citing Persecution and Human Rights Abuses”

European authorities urged to halt forced return of Armenian asylum seekers and refugees to Russia, warns Amnesty International. Many face persecution and human rights abuses. Returning them puts their lives at risk, exacerbating their dire situation. Resettlement, temporary protection, and support are viable alternatives to ensure their safety and rights.

“France Extends a Healing Hand: 336 Refugees and One Deaf Person from Artsakh to Receive Medical Care”

France agrees to accept 336 refugees and 1 deaf person from Artsakh for medical care. Discussions continue regarding assistance for settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and return of Armenian population. Latest news from Armenia.

UNICEF Commits to Supporting Vulnerable Children in Armenia, Calls for Urgent Funding

UNICEF’s Head of European and Central Asia office discusses support and collaboration with the Government of Armenia to address the needs of refugees, migrants, and children. Efforts focus on protection, healthcare, education, and social assistance services for vulnerable children and their families. Programs include mental health support, school supplies, temporary shelter, and employment opportunities. UNICEF calls for $12.6 million in funding to meet ongoing needs. The “Child Protection Center” provides essential services and promotes family reunification. Collaboration with government, partners, and civil society organizations aims to expand community-based services throughout Armenia.

“Government’s Decision Provides Housing for Refugees and Earthquake Affected Families in Armenia”

Government offers housing for refugees, earthquake affected families and disabled soldiers in Armenia. 38 families in temporary shelters to be provided apartments in multi-storey building in Aparan. 5 apartments also for families affected by Spitak earthquake in Aparan.

“Azerbaijan’s Public Committee Reveals Resettlement Plans in Stepanakert: Who’s on the List?”

The Public Committee in Azerbaijan announces plans to resettle residents in Stepanakert. Only those registered in designated areas will be moved to Shusha. Azerbaijani authorities intend to relocate more people than the Armenian population in the region. News from Armenia.