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RA Ministry of Justice

Government Personal Finance Politics

“Newly Appointed Prime Minister of Justice Reveals Income and Assets: A Closer Look at Ambakum Grigoryan’s Financial Declaration”

Ambakum Grigoryan, the new Prime Minister of Justice of the Republic, has declared his assets. He owns a house with multiple apartments and a car, and has significant funds in his bank accounts. Grigoryan’s income includes his salary from the RA National Judicial Department and rental income from his properties. Learn more in “Zhoghovurd” newspaper.

Crime Politics Social Media

“Explosive Revelations on Facebook: Organized Conspiracy and Secret Funding Exposed in Armenia Rallies”

Reports of negotiations, transportation, and funding for protests against rallies in different regions of Armenia have been circulating on Facebook. Measures have been taken to suppress these activities, including detentions and investigations. Ongoing investigations aim to clarify the events and provide objective assessments of the actions taken.

Environment Government Local News

“Judicial Department Employees Join Forces with Administrative Staff for Environmental Conservation in Armenia’s Pristine Nature Reserves”

Judicial Dept. employees, along with admin staff, participated in joint work organized by regional admin, helping in nature reserves. News from Armenia.

Human Rights Local News Politics

“Denied Justice: Workers’ Protest in Tsavush Blocked, Authorities Resort to Force”

Workers denied permission to protest in Tsavush by Ministry of Justice; authorities use force to take participants to Department of Justice.

“Alarming Surge in Violations: RA Ministry of Justice Reports Record Increase in Offenses”

The number of violations in Armenia has increased, with a focus on road accidents and pollution. Though homicides have decreased, illegal logging has surged. Domestic violence cases are also on the rise, likely due to the pandemic and alcohol-related factors. Stay updated with

“Armenian Government Confirms Artsakh’s Blue Identification Cards are Travel Documents, not Proof of Citizenship”

The blue Artsakh identification cards are travel documents, not proof of citizenship. The RA Ministry of Justice confirms this. Displaced persons from Artsakh settled in Armenia are not considered refugees. They are verified as displaced individuals under different provisions and documents.