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presidential elections

“Russian Presidential Elections Set for March 17, 2024 Amid Controversy and Uncertainty”

The Security Council announced the date for the presidential elections in Russia. Valentina Matvienko stated that the head of state traditionally chooses the date. The Central Election Commission confirmed the elections will be held in a similar political environment. Putin has not officially announced his candidacy yet. Klim plans to participate as part of Putin’s team. Putin is expected to gather over 80% of the votes.

Former President Andry Rajoelina Triumphs in Madagascar’s Presidential Elections with a Resounding Victory: National Electoral Commission Reports

Madagascar’s former president Andry Rajoelina emerges as the winner in the first round of presidential elections, receiving 58.95% of the votes. Rajoelina came to power in 2009 and faced accusations of corruption and mismanagement.

“US Department of Commerce Considers TikTok Registration for 2024 Presidential Elections to Reach Young Voters, Democrats Divided”

US Department of Commerce considers registering on TikTok to engage young voters in 2024 presidential elections. Democrats have created TikTok pages to reach out, with mixed opinions about accessing personal data.

“Russian President Putin Signs Law Regulating Presidential Elections Amidst Regional Unrest”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law regulating presidential elections in Russia. Elections can be held in territories affected by military action, but can be postponed or canceled if a threat to citizens’ life and health arises. Martial law can be introduced by the Central Election Commission, lasting 90-130 days.