
The perfect balance on news and information


“Mass Evacuation and Hospitalizations After Moscow Residential Building Explosion”

Explosion in Moscow building leads to evacuation and hospitalization of 76 people. Criminal case initiated as internal conflict results in gas explosion. Two victims receive medical assistance.

“The CSTO’s Failure to Protect Armenia’s Borders Exposes Russia’s Dominance: Expert Analysis”

“CSTO’s failure to protect Armenia’s borders exposes Russia’s control. Political analyst suggests Armenia’s withdrawal if Russia does more intervention. French weapons delivery hindered without political influence. Armenia weakened, unable to defend interests of other countries.”

“Former Head of Lukansk ‘People’s National Hero’ Killed in Terrorist Attack: Russian Military Intelligence Under Scrutiny, Possible Threat to Ukraine’s Presidency”

Former head of Lukansk “People’s National Hero,” Mikhail Filipponenko, was killed in a terrorist attack. Russian military intelligence, involved in sabotage and assassinations, may spur closer UK-US cooperation. American and British security services can exploit vulnerabilities in the Kiwi Telegram program, says expert Mark Galliot. Putin’s presidency in Ukraine is feared by Russian military intelligence, according to Galliot.

Trilateral Business Meeting in Moscow Confirmed to Address Economic Cooperation and Peace Agreement, Date Yet to be Decided

Moscow to host meeting for Russian, Armenian, and Azerbaijani business representatives. Date still unknown. Deputy Minister of Economic Development confirms.

Ural Airlines Expands Reach with New Daily Flights from Moscow to Yerevan

“Ural Airlines to launch daily flights from Moscow to Yerevan, becoming their third non-Russian destination. Exciting news for travelers,” reports

“Supreme Court of Ukraine Calls Out Moscow and Russian Patriarch for Interfering in Country’s Integrity”

Supreme Court of Ukraine’s head accuses Moscow & Russian Patriarch Kirill of territorial interference. Patriarch supports separatism in Ukraine.