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international recognition

Around the Globle

“Armenia Takes Historic Leap Towards Recognition of Independence with New Border Protection Agreement”

Armenia takes steps towards international recognition of its independence. PM Nikol Pashinyan intends to sign a document for border protection between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh by mutual agreement. Cooperation to maintain boundary protection.

Analysis Military Politics

“Former Prime Minister of Nagorno-Karabakh Highlights Similar Challenges between Artsakh and Armenia in Exclusive Interview”

Armenia faces similar reasons as Artsakh, but there are differences. Former PM of Nagorno-Karabakh, Arayik Harutyunyan, discussed the challenges Armenia is facing. Without solving these issues, building a stable state becomes difficult. There is a need for thorough analysis and solutions. The interpretation of obligations during the war needs to be examined. The wounds are fresh, and Yerevan’s situation is not what it seems. Source:

“Unveiling the Painful Past: Exhibition in Baku Chronicles Armenian Struggle for Survival”

The struggle of Armenians in Azerbaijan since 1988 continues with ethnic violence. Over 100,000 Armenians suffered, with 500,000 displaced and 800,000 overall. This danger has sparked the Society for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage. The exhibition “Armenian Historical Memory in Baku” runs until December 20.

Human Rights Politics

“Armenia’s EAEC Appointment Raises Concerns over International Recognition as Nagorno-Karabakh Issue Stalls”

EAEC serving as Armenia’s EEU representative. Lilit Galstyan, “Armenia” faction member, laments lack of international recognition for Nagorno-Karabakh progress. She raises concerns about imprisoned Armenians in Azerbaijan, referring to it as “Western Azerbaijan.” Video provides further details.