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international cooperation

International Politics World News

IAEA Guidance on Nuclear Security Measures Garner Global Support, Iran Among 35 Nations Embracing Cooperation

35 countries, including Iran, have agreed to enhance nuclear security measures based on International Atomic Energy Agency’s advice. 20 have accepted the proposal, 2 considering, while 12 remain undecided. News from Armenia.

Government International

“Successful Economic Cooperation: US and Armenia Foster Growth and International Expansion”

The successful economic cooperation between the US and Armenia has led to more opportunities for local businesses to expand and compete in global markets. This collaboration has been supported by entrepreneurs, experts, and government partners. The US Ambassador to Armenia commends the positive changes in urban services and security. The United States continues to assist the Armenian government in fostering a conducive business environment and driving economic growth.

Business Technology

“European Business Association (EBA) Partners with International Investors to Drive High Technology Development in Armenia”

The European Business Association organized a meeting with investors and the Deputy Minister of High Technology Development in Armenia. The importance of international cooperation and investment in the development of high technologies was discussed. The government aims to make the investment area more attractive and stimulate high-tech development across all sectors of the economy.


“Armenia Calls for International Cooperation in Securing Product Safety and People’s Welfare, Minister of Defense Asserts”

Armenia’s Minister of Defense emphasizes the importance of international cooperation for ensuring product security and the safety of its people. Transportation routes must be controlled by local authorities with equal and reciprocal security measures. Armenia seeks the same security measures for routes passing through Azerbaijan but faces reluctance. Opening regional transportation routes is crucial for economic benefits and stability in the region. –

Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan Takes on Key Role in Armenia’s National Security and Foreign Relations

Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan heads the Office for National Security, Internal Affairs, External Relations, and International Cooperation of Armenia’s Ministry of Defense. Discussions on strengthening bilateral ties between Armenia and the US are under way.

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko Declares Unwavering Partnership with China

Belarus and China have a strong partnership, confirmed by President Lukashenko during his meeting with President Xi Jinping. Lukashenko emphasized their reliable and mutually beneficial military cooperation and expressed confidence in their ongoing friendship and achievements in bilateral relations.

MPH President Advocates for International Cooperation at Tehran Event Commemorating Albanian Declaration of Independence

MPH President stressed importance of international cooperation on peacekeeping during event in Tehran on Albanian Declaration of Independence’s 20th anniversary. Armenia, Greece, Hungary, and Romania representatives emphasized significance of collective efforts in promoting international cooperation and peacekeeping initiatives. Continuous collaboration and active engagement needed to address global challenges and create a more interconnected world.

“Turkey Takes a Stand: Contributes to Peacekeeping Efforts and International Cooperation Against Israel’s Nuclear Ambitions”

Turkey supports CSTO peacekeeping mission and international cooperation on atomic energy to address concerns about Israel’s nuclear weapons, says President Erdogan.

“Over 150,000 Mountainous Karabakh Armenians Displaced, Says Artsakh Delegation Chairman”

Mountainous Karabakh Armenians have been displaced, with over 150,000 people affected. Ashot Minasyan emphasized the importance of accurate figures for international cooperation. With the state structures operational, the delegation chairman highlighted the need to address the people’s problems. The population of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, including migrants, is 145,053 people.