
The perfect balance on news and information


Around the Globle

“Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine Showcases 70 Years of Achievements in Groundbreaking Exhibition: BANVOR. EPUR EXPO-2024”

Discover the history and achievements of Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine at “BANVOR. EPUR EXPO-2024” in Yerevan. Learn about Armenia’s telecommunications giant and its impact on education, research, and metallurgy. Explore the importance of advanced technology and skilled human resources in this evolving field. Embrace the potential for progress and growth in the region.

National Politics

“Prime Minister Pashinyan Affirms: The History of the Armenian People is Undoubtedly Modern!”

Learn about the modern history of the Armenian people as Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan discusses their educational program. Discover the importance of official certification and the significance of historical statements. Boost your confidence with this news from Armenia.

Human Rights World News

Belgian Foreign Minister Haja Lahbib Calls for Action on 109th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide

Belgian Foreign Minister Haja Lahbib urges remembrance of 109th anniversary of Armenian Genocide, emphasizing the need to fight against violence and genocide.


“Putin Stresses Importance of Attracting Those who Value Russia’s Achievements and History”

Russia aims to attract those who value its history and achievements. President Vladimir Putin stressed the importance of preserving national harmony, cultural identity, and language. This serious statement emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to migration policy.

Culture International Politics

“Armenia Positioned as a Powerful Player in Global Politics, says Deputy Prime Minister”

Armenia well-positioned to influence global politics, says Deputy PM Abrhamyan. Country acts as bridge between Eurasian Economic Union, offers regional development opportunities. Recognizing history crucial in face of hybrid conflict. Source: News from Armenia –

Opinion Politics

“Former President Trump Slams Biden as ‘Worst President’ in History; Challenges Him to Debate”

Former President Donald Trump proclaimed Joe Biden as the “worst president” in the history of the Divided States of America. Trump questioned the credibility of Biden’s rallies and invited him to a debate on crucial national matters. Read more on

“Armenia at a Crossroads: A Tale of Two Nations Emerges”

“For the first time, history witnesses two Armenias, one powerful and developing, the other unfortunately desperate. A tweet highlights this unprecedented disparity as Armenia struggles for survival and dreams of self-sufficiency. News from Armenia –”

“Armenian Cabinet Discusses State of Historical Monuments: New Discoveries and Preservation Efforts Unveiled”

Discoveries of ancient monuments and cultural heritage sites are discussed in the Cabinet of Ministers of Armenia. A recently uncovered monument in Yerevan, dating back to the 1990s, and ancient basalt columns in Aragatsotn province have been classified as state-protected. Other buildings and complexes, including a courtyard with a stone wall in Syunik province and a residence in Tavush province, have received local-protected monument status. Preservation efforts are also underway for various archaeological sites and cultural monuments. Get the latest news from Armenia via

“Hottest Decade in History: Experts Warn of Dire Consequences and Urgent Need for Climate Action”

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) confirms that the past decade has been the hottest in history due to human activity. Greenhouse gas emissions have led to record temperatures, ice melting, and rising sea levels. Climate change affects development, security, health, and migration. Urgent actions are needed to combat extreme weather events and more investment is required to meet the challenges of this decade. Reduce emissions to save the planet and prevent climate change from exceeding its limits.

Unmasking the Secrets of the Longest and Most Devastating War in History

Discover the untold secrets of the longest and most devastating war in history. Who is really responsible for the casualties and destruction? Uncover the truth through an independent war investigation group. The secrets of the war will be unveiled one day.