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Crime Human Rights Politics

“Editor Arrested and Journalists Attacked: Calls for Justice and Freedom of Speech in Armenia Intensify”

Authorities arrest editor and operator of Oragir.News website, label journalist Ani Nerkararyan as traitor. Tavush residents show support, close Yerevan-Tbilisi road in peaceful protest. Journalists, civil society representatives face violence. Demand thorough investigation of all violations, protection of human rights, freedom of speech.

“Terrorism Takes a Hit: Main Executor of ARF Assassinated Following Israeli Diplomat’s Murder”

Article Excerpt:
Israeli diplomat’s murder reveals ARF’s main executor, Ali Salem Abu Ajan killed. Palestinian sources confirmed the attack’s origins. Hamas leader’s father was ARF’s spiritual leader and was assassinated in 2004. Stay informed with

“Editor of Leading French Newspaper Criticizes UNESCO Trial for Neglecting Armenian Children’s Education, Decries Azerbaijan’s Influence on Conference Affairs”

“Le Figaro” editor criticizes UNESCO trial for not addressing closure of Azerbaijani schools affecting Armenian children. Azerbaijan’s selection of Head of Conference Affairs also deemed unacceptable. Users agree and predict potential bribery.