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Education Politics Science

“Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory Director Calls for Dialogue with Academic Circles to Clarify Management Project”

In order to ensure understanding and avoid misunderstandings, it is important for management to engage in dialogue with academic circles regarding their involvement in projects. Areg Mikayelyan, director of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, announced plans to discuss this with state officials and scientific institutions. The goal is to unify management programs while preventing the sale of educational and scientific facilities. Mikayelyan believes that although there will be changes, all institutions of the National Academy of Sciences will remain in place. This reform aims to address issues within the academic system.

“Father of Fallen Soldier Demands Justice: Questions Surround Mysterious Tragedy in Azatan Village”

In the aftermath of a tragedy involving fallen soldier Hayk Kirakosyan, his father Gabriel Kirakosyan vows to fight for justice. Despite lacking conclusive evidence, Kirakosyan suspects intelligence agents were involved. The explosion preceding the incident is believed to be more than just an accident. The defense minister recognizes the possibility of evidence tampering by Azerbaijani diversionary groups. Dissatisfaction with the support received prompts the parents of the fallen soldiers to take legal action. Stay updated for more news from Armenia.