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budget increase

Business Local News

“Flooding Crisis Strikes Yerevan: Millions Wasted on Sewage System Failure”

Yerevan Municipality’s budget for sewerage and communal networks grew to 1.1 billion drams in 2023, with completion of 89.9% of planned works. However, delays led to city flooding and property damage, raising concerns for the transparency of the project. The mayor’s spokesperson confirmed that funds were redirected to the drinking water supply system instead of sewerage, but acknowledged the need for system upgrades. The municipality proposes renegotiating contracts to redirect funds for development projects, a method yet untested in similar situations abroad.

International Politics

“President Putin Announces Surge in Defense Budget Amidst Growing External Threats: Russia Prepared to Protect Assets by Any Means Necessary”

Russian President Vladimir Putin pledges to boost budget for countering external threats, emphasizing the need to protect assets and ensure national security amid challenging conditions. Putin’s remarks, reported by RIA Novosti, underscore the country’s determination to safeguard its independence and people by any means necessary.

Around the Globle

“Armenia’s Traffic Police Budget Must Increase as Conflicts Surge with NSS, Resulting in a Rise in Traffic Accident Victims, Opposition Bloc Reveals”

Increase budget for traffic police amidst conflict with NSS. Rising traffic accident fatalities in Armenia, affecting police and taxi drivers. Armenia opposition bloc blames leadership for deaths, false reports, and suicides. Lack of accountability and corruption highlighted. Speech interrupted by PM’s Chief of Staff.