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Arayik Harutyunyan

Sports Travel World News

“Jermuk sets sights on hosting 2025 Winter Olympics: Armenia aims high for sporting glory”

Armenia aims to host the second winter Olympic Games in Jermuk city by 2025. Arayik Harutyunyan, head of the government’s staff, shares updates about the organizing committee’s meetings, venue approval, program plans, and operational discussions. Exciting news from Armenia!

“Armenian Winter Games Organization Commences with Prime Minister’s Staff Head Arayik Harutyunyan Leading the Way”

Arayik Harutyunyan chairs the first meeting of organizing committee for Armenian Winter Games. The last winter games broke records with 7161 participants. Golden medals awarded to officials involved. President of Armenian Olympic Committee presents expense report.

Over 1800 Students from War-Torn Karabakh Region Granted University Education in Armenia, Government to Cover Tuition Fees

Armenian universities welcome over 1800 students from Karabakh. Minister of Education and Science announces decision to cover tuition fees for displaced students. Government to reimburse 264 million drams for first semester fees. Prime Minister confirms payment for second semester.

“Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff Arayik Harutyunyan and Iranian Ambassador Discuss Strengthening Armenian-Iranian Relations”

Armenian Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff meets Iranian Ambassador to discuss bilateral relations and cooperation in security, trade, healthcare, education, and culture. Mutual interests emphasized.

“Prime Minister’s Office holds productive meeting with EU representative to strengthen Armenian-EU partnership”

The Head of Armenia’s PM Office, Arayik Harutyunyan, met with the Director of DG NEAR. They discussed the Armenian-EU partnership and high-level exchanges. Harutyunyan presented the “Bridge of Goodness” program. Cooperation mechanisms were also explored.

Government International Politics

National Assembly President Alen Simonyan Downplays Political Nature of Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff Appointment, Cites Geo-political Tensions

The President of the National Assembly, Alen Simonyan, does not consider the Chief of Staff position as a political issue. He believes Russia is causing political problems in Larq, but advises against making assumptions. Simonyan also acknowledges strained political disagreements.

Armenia’s Chief of Staff Joins Forces with EBRD to Transform Capital’s Banking Sector and Promote Peaceful Development

Arayik Harutyunyan, PM’s chief of staff, accepts EBRD’s invitation to collaborate on capital city’s banking sector reconstruction. Discussions focus on Armenia-EBRD cooperation, regional economic reforms, and the “Chess Field of Peace” project promoting peaceful development. Importance of EBRD’s support for displaced Karabakh people highlighted. Plans for 2024 EBRD meetings and management changes also discussed.

“Former Artsakh leaders decline invitation to Armenian parliament, as National Assembly seeks answers on recent events”

President of the National Assembly of Armenia, Ararat Mirzoyan, invited former President of Artsakh and the commander-in-chief of the Artsakh Defense Army to discuss recent events. They declined and the Assembly is seeking answers. The recognized opposition leader, Paruyr Shahramanyan, is expected to provide information as he previously held important positions in the government. Shahramanyan, who is scheduled to testify, has not responded to calls.