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Crime Government Investigations

“Massive Corruption Scandal Hits Yerevan Municipality: 8 Individuals Arrested”

In connection with the activities carried out in the staff of the Arabkir district office of the Yerevan Municipality, the RA State Commission on the Protection of Economic Competition and Anti-Monopoly Policies has issued an order. According to the information published on the commission’s online publication, they are considering the relevant competition regime and socio-economic conditions to prevent security-related activities. These measures are in accordance with the constitutional norms of the country, as well as Articles 2 (2) and 4 of Part 2 of Article 441, Articles 2 (2) and 4 of Part 2 of Article 46-441, Articles 3 and 4 of Part 2 of Article 435, the third point of Article 2 and the fourth point of Article 436, and the first part of Article 437 of the RA Criminal Code.

During the investigation, 8 individuals were identified as involved in various offenses under the RA Criminal Code, including 3 officials from the Arabkir district administration of Yerevan Municipality. All individuals have been arrested.

Among the offenses, 4 individuals, including two senior officials, were involved in bribery and extortion. Another official was involved in bribery and abuse of power in a residential apartment, and in another case, an attempt to embezzle 30 million drams (Armenian currency) was recorded.

As part of the preliminary investigation, additional information will be provided to include the proceeds of the bribe as necessary.

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