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Europe’s Heatwave Takes Toll on Tourism: Diseases Spread as Extreme Temperatures and Severe Storms Threaten Mediterranean Destinations

According to CNN, the consequences of climate change in Europe have led to a significant increase in summer heat, which poses a problem for vulnerable populations. The European Travel Commission (ETC) reports that there has been a 7% decrease in tourism due to the rise in severe storms and extreme weather events in the Mediterranean Sea in 2023.

This decrease in tourism can be attributed to the European heatwave in 2022-2023, which caused extreme temperatures in various European tourist destinations. However, climate change is not the only factor contributing to this issue. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) reveals that the increase in temperature has also led to a rise in disease-carrying mosquitoes in European countries like Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania. This, in turn, has caused an increase in diseases such as Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya.

The impact of intense heat on the tourism sector in Europe is undeniable. However, there are other factors at play as well. The ECDC highlights how the spread of mosquito-borne diseases has been observed in several countries including Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Andrea Ammon, the Director of ECDC, expresses concern that travel restrictions may have contributed to the transmission of these diseases.

In Europe, the number of Dengue cases documented by the ECDC increased from 71 in 2022 to 130 last year. Although there have been no Dengue cases reported this summer, past experiences suggest that the first cases will likely be identified in the upcoming weeks. Meanwhile, a single case of West Nile Virus infection transmitted by the Culex pipiens mosquito has been reported in Seville, Spain.

In Armenia, 713 cases of West Nile Virus infection have been registered in the past year, resulting in 67 deaths.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.