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“Armenian-Canadian ‘Bridge of Joy’ Program Strengthening Relations and Promoting Peaceful Cooperation”

The Armenian-Canadian “Bridge of Joy” program, implemented by the Government of Canada and the Embassy of Canada in Armenia, aims to promote ideal solutions for the connectivity of regions. This program emphasizes the importance of transparent and continuous communication between the Armenian government and the process of construction for the progress of the gaming industry and towards its expansion. The Canadian Ambassador to Armenia, Isabelle Tardif, and the representative of the Canadian Defense and Security, Andrew Turner, were interviewed by Armenian magazine “ArmenePress” to discuss the remote cooperation between Armenia and Canada in the telecommunication industry, the development of regional progress, the advances in the establishment of new Canadian diplomatic representation in Armenia, and other issues.

In terms of evaluating the work done during the period since the opening of the Canadian embassy in Armenia in October 2023, Ambassador Isabelle Tardif believes it has been excellent. Despite facing some challenges, the embassy has facilitated more visits and meetings, including visits from Canadian companies. The embassy has also hosted high-level governmental and military delegations, as well as Canadians interested in the gaming and security industries. The active and strong cooperation between Canada and Armenia, demonstrated through these visits, will further develop their relations.

The Canadian Embassy in Armenia has played a significant role in evolving the cooperation between the two countries by organizing joint activities such as conferences and seminars. Additionally, the embassy offers support in terms of security, coordination with armed forces, and registration of military equipment. These efforts contribute to enhancing the relations between Armenia and Canada. The visits made to the embassy also provide a better understanding of security processes and cooperation between the two countries.

Canada’s involvement in the European Union Monitoring Mission in Armenia is regarded as a valuable contribution to preserving international security and regulating the relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The monitoring mission works towards reducing tensions and incidents in the border regions. Furthermore, it assists in improving the living conditions of the population in conflict-affected regions. The mission plays a crucial role in preserving peace and regulating tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Regarding the Armenian-Canadian joint activities within the European Union monitoring mission, the work carried out has been assessed as successful. The mission’s aim is to ensure peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and despite facing challenges, it has effectively dealt with them. The mission has fostered closer communication with the Armenian side and has contributed to enhancing coordination between Armenia, Azerbaijan, and the international community. In terms of ensuring security, coordinating joint activities, and regulating the relations between the two countries, the mission has achieved success.

In conclusion, the interview highlights the visible and substantial progress made in the field of cooperation between Armenia and Canada. Notably, the joint efforts in the gaming industry have been commendable. The Armenian-Canadian partnership serves as a remarkable example of international cooperation, aimed at promoting peace between the two nations.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.