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“Head of ‘Mosfilm’ Film Studio Accused of Conspiring with Russian Armed Aggression against Ukraine”

The main court of Ukraine has accused the head of “Mosfilm” film studio, Karen Shahnazaryan, of conspiring with the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine. Shahnazaryan’s name was not explicitly mentioned in the operation, but a disguised picture of him was published. The photo makes it evident that he is the individual in question.

It is alleged that Shahnazaryan, through various media platforms, has purposely expressed his support for Russia both socially and politically, with the intention of shaping public opinion.

In 2023, the Ministry of Culture reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the production of propaganda films depicting Russia’s war with Ukraine, which would be shown in Russian cinemas. By February 1, the Ministry of Culture was required to present its plans for organizing the production of patriotic films.

According to available information, the Cinema Foundation and the Ministry of Culture of Russia allocated 3.5 times more funds in 2022 and 2023 for the production of films about warfare, conflicts, and border issues, including those concerning the Eastern Partnership, than they did in 2021. In 2021, the production of such films cost 640 million rubles, whereas in 2022 it rose to 2.2 billion rubles, and in 2023 it further increased to 2.5 billion rubles.

Source: on Telegram.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.