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“Goris Community Leader and France’s Ambassador Discuss Bilateral Cooperation and New Projects”

Goris community leader Arush Arushanyan recently met with France’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Olivier Decor. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss various issues pertaining to the bilateral cooperation between Goris and France, and to explore the implementation of new projects. As part of their visit, both Arushanyan and the ambassador paid a visit to a construction site in Vienna where extensive renovation and improvement works are currently taking place. These construction efforts include the refurbishment of roads, water supply systems, benches, and lighting systems. Once completed, the site will transform into a beloved leisure area for the citizens of Goris, offering them new opportunities and delightful moments of relaxation. Additionally, a concert is scheduled to take place at the French ambassador’s residence during the visit.

This news was originally published on Telegram and has been translated by [Your Name].

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.