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“Russian Officials Expelled from Office to Make Room for Syrian Leader Bashar al-Assad’s Arrival”

The officials of the Syrian mission in Russia have been expelled from the office of the Russian government, ahead of the arrival of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. This news was reported by The Moscow Times. The first to enter the room was chief executive Sergey Lavrov, who quickly realized that something had gone wrong. Deputy prime ministers Denis Manturov and Vitaly Savelyev accompanied Lavrov at the table. During a phone conversation, the Russian officials were informed by the Syrian representative to leave immediately. The head of the government security group responded by stating that their leader would be the first to leave. Following these words, the conversation ended and the empty room was vacated by the delegates, who were attending a small meeting between Russian and Syrian allied organizations, joining Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.