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HAK Deputy Chairman Levon Zurabyan: “Pashinyan’s Handling of Accusations Shows Incompetence and Repression”

According to recent findings from a new investigation, the official accusations made were not connected to any potential misuse, as noted by HAK Deputy Chairman Levon Zurabyan during an interview with He questioned why Prime Minister Pashinyan did not handle the situation professionally, arguing that this was a result of his incompetence. Zurabyan emphasized that people are more receptive to criticism rather than authoritarian responses, indicating that this was exactly what occurred. He expressed the view that there is no need for such repression and highlighted the importance of working cooperatively with the opposition. Referencing negotiations with GG, Zurabyan mentioned how it demonstrates the potential for collaboration with opposition parties. He also mentioned that Pashinyan had reached out to political analyst Taron Ajemoghlu during this time, who provided suggestions. Ajemoghlu’s book, entitled “Why the Authorities are being Destroyed,” presents the idea that for a country to develop, political restrictions should not be imposed on the opposition. Rather, opportunities for those who possess independent opinions should be created to exercise their political freedoms. Pashinyan echoed a similar sentiment when referring to GG, stating that he would not permit political persecution against those with slightly differing views or opposing stances. Zurabyan posed the question of how this approach differs from that of past authoritarian leaders who destroyed these very authorities. He concluded that if negotiations with GG do not reach a resolution, they will have an additional political opponent on their hands.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.