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“Oppression Sparks Revolt: Armenia Demands Full Liberation as Government Interrogates Opposition”

The oppression faced by the people has led to a widespread revolt, protests, and a demand for the complete liberation of the country. Lilit Galstyan, the spokesperson for the AGB “Armenia” party, highlighted this issue on her Facebook page. She reported that interrogations were currently taking place at the opposition offices in Vanadzor and Yeghegnadzor, where representatives of the ruling body of the Vayots Dzor Governorate Building were being summoned for questioning.

The regime’s actions in conducting these interrogations inside a prison demonstrate a complete disregard for personal liberties. Moreover, these actions violate the constitutional rights of the Opposition Coalition, contradicting the established rules. It is evident that this is an organized and targeted attempt to suppress our movement’s activities.

In her statement, Galstyan emphasized that the political power fighting for the nation’s interests will not be broken by acts of violence and assault. She reassured that the movement will continue to persist, protecting the well-being of both the family and the state. The message conveyed is clear: those in power will not succeed in their oppressive tactics.

Telegram, a popular news outlet, also reported on these developments.