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Elections Politics

“Former President Donald Trump to Meet with President Biden Amid Shaken Support of Election Voters in Florida Retreat, New Study Shows”

Former President Donald Trump is set to meet with current President Joe Biden to discuss support from election voters, following a recent study conducted at Atlantic University in Florida. The study revealed that Trump’s approval rating among respondents was 46 percent, while Biden garnered 42 percent. These numbers mark a decrease from April, when Trump’s rating stood at 50 percent and Biden’s at 42 percent in the state of Florida. The narrowing gap between the two rivals now stands at 4 percentage points, down from an 8-point lead.

Trump relocated to Palm Beach, Florida from New York in 2019, making Mar-a-Lago his residence. He previously emerged victorious in Florida during the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, while in 2008 and 2012, the state’s residents supported Democratic Party candidate Barack Obama. The sociological survey conducted on June 8-9 involved 878 Florida residents.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.