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“Prime Minister Increases Monthly Allowances for Families of Fallen Soldiers by 26%: Financial Obligations Soar to 4 Billion Drams”

At the beginning of this year, the Prime Minister’s Council on Spiritual Support for Soldiers decided to increase the monthly allowances for the families of fallen soldiers by 26 percent. Today, on June 12, Irina Selanian, the President of the Council, invited the Prime Minister to discuss the progress made. Selanian expressed gratitude for the support received from the government and highlighted the important measures and decisions implemented by the council. One of these decisions was the increase and indexing of monthly allowances for the families of fallen soldiers. This initiative has resulted in an increase of approximately 4 billion drams in the Prime Minister’s financial obligations.

Selanian also mentioned another recent decision made by the council to improve the social situation of the families of fallen soldiers. These families will now receive an additional 50 thousand drams per month. The change in financial support also includes families of servicemen who are disabled or have physical restrictions. The Prime Minister’s Support Council will continue to fulfill its financial obligations to these families in the same proportion as before.

The initiative to increase allowances and provide additional support aims to recognize and honor the sacrifices and commitment of the fallen soldiers. Karen Sarkisyan, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office, shared some numbers to highlight the impact of the financial support provided. From 2017 until the end of the first quarter of 2024, the Prime Minister has allocated nearly 91.5 billion drams in financial support for 5345 fallen soldiers and their immediate family members.

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