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“National Unity Alliance and Defense Minister Withdraw Support for Israeli Government, Citing Netanyahu’s Impending Victory”

The president of the “National Unity” alliance and the defense minister Vaneh Gantskh have announced that they are withdrawing their support for the government. They believe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is close to achieving a real victory. Gantskh stated that their alliance joined the coalition on October 7 to save the country, but they soon realized that it was poorly managed. During this time, military clashes were ignored due to political interests. Gantskh emphasized that the Israeli society values more than empty promises. He suggested that their real victory would involve returning to principles and changing the management to become a partner of the Gasai Administration, thereby creating a regional front against Iran. In conclusion, Gantskh commented, “Nathaniel has brought us a real victory.”

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.