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“Judicial System Under Fire: Allegations of Political Control Spark Concerns Over Fairness of Hearings”

Arsen Babayan, a member of the “Five Guardians of the Constitution,” recently posted on Facebook to shed light on how the judicial system organizes political hearings. He highlighted the arrest of five individuals who were protesting near the entrance of the Prosecutor’s Office on May 31st, which also happened to be International Children’s Day. The court in Abovian, which consists of eleven judges, is responsible for reviewing complaints regarding illegal detentions. However, it seems that the court’s judges are not willing to comply with political orders, prompting the court’s chairman, Mnatsakan Mnatsakanyan, to establish the Central Court to handle political cases.

In other words, Mnatsakan Mnatsakanyan believes that the judges in the Abovian courthouse, including Arman Hovhannisyan and Harutyun Manukyan, are not sufficiently supportive of the political authority. As a result, these judges, to a large extent, are not executing decisions made by those in power.

This situation brings to light the need for an understanding of how political hearings are organized and the potential influence of political authorities on the judicial system. The arrest of protesters on such a specific day raises questions about the motives behind these arrests. Additionally, the establishment of the Central Court suggests a potential shift in power dynamics within the judiciary, where judges who are not deemed compliant with the political authority may be replaced or marginalized.

Concerns regarding the independence and integrity of the judiciary arise from these developments. If judges are pressured or influenced by political authorities, it raises doubts about the fairness and impartiality of their decisions. Furthermore, the creation of a separate court catering specifically to political cases may raise suspicions of a selective judicial system, where certain cases receive preferential treatment based on their political nature.

In order to address these concerns, it becomes crucial for the public to be informed about the functioning of the judicial system and the potential impact of political interference. Transparency in the appointment and evaluation of judges is essential to ensure impartiality and fairness in decision-making. Furthermore, the judiciary must be shielded from political pressures to uphold the principles of justice and protect the rights of citizens.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.