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Politics Religion

“Bagrat Srbazan’s Supporters Rally at Holy Annunciation Church Amid Ongoing Constitutional Court Case; Promises Continued Action for Justice”

Bagrat Srbazan’s supporters have once again gathered at the Holy Annunciation Church in Yerevan. Bagrat Srbazan, who had previously been inside the church, expressed his importance of attending the meeting. He stated, “I arrived here at 10:30 in the morning to participate in the meeting. It is crucial for me to be present alongside the faithful. I will not disclose the identities of the people I have met with, as mentioned yesterday. Let us observe how the Constitutional Court’s case progresses. Our believers are innocent and should not face any arrest.” Additionally, we have an eventful Saturday ahead, and as part of our protest, we must all assemble in one location. I will provide further details regarding our planned actions on the 9th after the significant public gathering. We shall persist in our endeavors to accomplish our ultimate objective.” on Telegram

News from Armenia

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.