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“Prime Minister Pashinyan Calls for Reevaluation of Transport and Infrastructure Standards After Devastating Landslide”

With the achieved results, it is necessary to reconsider our transportation and infrastructure standards. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced during a government session on May 30 that he will personally visit the affected areas in the provinces of Lori and Tavush to assess the damage caused by the landslide and its consequences.

“Firstly, we need to revise these standards, and secondly, we need to understand the reasons behind our support for roads, intersections, and connections in general,” said the Prime Minister.

Pashinyan also emphasized the importance of understanding why infrastructure channels have been constructed in certain areas. “This analysis needs to be conducted uniformly and without exceptions,” he added.

The Prime Minister further highlighted the need to analyze why the current situation has been portrayed as a disaster by the media. “We must understand the factors that have led to such a widespread interpretation, including the increased flow of rivers and the displacement of bodies, which have been deemed a catastrophe. This analysis is also crucial,” stated Pashinyan.

Additionally, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of seeking assistance from international partners in addressing this issue. “There are international mechanisms that can be implemented during such circumstances, and specific international partners have already expressed their willingness to support us. It would have been better if we had contacted these partners earlier,” he highlighted.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.