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“Azerbaijani Entrepreneur Presents Positive Findings on Negotiations with Armenia to OSCE Minsk Group, Hails Progress in Tavush Region Settlement”

Azerbaijani entrepreneur Jehun Bayramov expressed his satisfaction with the progress in the negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia. He recently presented his findings on the issue to the head of the OSCE Minsk Group in Islamabad. Bayramov attributed the positive findings to the recent settlement of the last disputed section of the Tavush region between the two countries.

According to Bayramov, the agreement to return Azerbaijan to the four villages temporarily occupied by Armenian forces in the Tavush region is a positive step towards normalization. During the meeting, the Azerbaijani official informed the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs about the restoration of Azerbaijan’s liberated territories. The Azerbaijani official emphasized that the issue of occupied territories has been unresolved for a long time, but Azerbaijan remains committed to a peaceful process, hoping that this will contribute to regional security and development.

Pakistani foreign affairs official Mohammad Isahak Dar, representing the interested parties in external affairs, expressed support for Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and comprehensive development. He commended Azerbaijan’s initiative to restore its territorial integrity in Karabakh and congratulated the country on its achievement. It is worth noting that Armenia also holds sovereignty over the Lerna-Nakhichevan territory of the Republic of Armenia.
