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“Armenia’s Lori and Tavush Provinces Devastated by Heavy Rainfall and Flooding: Rescue Efforts Underway”

In the provinces of Lori and Tavush, the Republic of Armenia experienced heavy rainfall and floods between May 25 and 26, resulting in a state of emergency being declared. The National Crisis Management Center conducted rescue operations from May 26 to 28, with the participation of 51 military personnel, 6 operative groups, and 456 rescuers. These details were shared by the National Crisis Management Center.

Efforts by rescue teams and other forces led to the successful evacuation of several settlements in Lori and Tavush provinces. A total of 443 people were saved and relocated, including 401 in Lori and 42 in Tavush. Among those affected, 137 residents from Sanahin village were relocated, while 141 residents remained there. Unfortunately, four lives were lost due to the floods. Additionally, in the provinces of Tavush, Debet, Agstev, Joraget, and Tashir, several villages were severely affected by the floods.

On May 27, the government made the decision (No. 772-N) to define the boundaries of the affected areas in Lori and Tavush provinces. Starting from 9:00 on May 29, efforts will begin to assess the impact on residents, evaluate damages, study water sources and remove contaminants, and provide essential medical assistance and food supplies.

A total of 115 rescuers, including military personnel, have been engaged in the operation. They are distributed across various regions: 34 in Lori, 4 in Gegharkunik, 22 in Shirak, 16 in Aragatsotn, 16 in Kotayk, 15 in Yerevan, and 8 in Armavir. Additionally, transportation operations have been conducted to deliver food and other essential supplies to the affected areas. Notably, military forces have prepared temporary shelters and other necessary facilities for the Sanahin village residents.

Looking ahead, on May 25, 2024, a national warning system will be implemented in the administrative centers of Lori and Tavush provinces. This system will include precautionary measures such as constructing shelters to prevent water flooding and contamination, specifically focusing on the Debed, Agstev, and Tashir rivers.

The National Crisis Management Center has successfully concluded the rescue operation. As of May 26, at 13:50, the emergency hotline for the National Crisis Management Center has been established as “911” for any further assistance related to the rescue operation.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.