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“Archbishop Galstanyan warns: The unstoppable storm will leave no survivors, says ‘Tavush is the cradle of the Armenian nation’ movement leader”

The storm approaching with immense force is predicted to bring destruction upon us, sparing nothing in its path. Today, on May 29, Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, the leader of the “Tavush is the cradle of the Armenian nation” movement, addressed journalists during a meeting held at the Surb Anna church in Yerevan. He emphasized the overwhelming power and origins of the storm, asserting that it would prevent it from reaching its intended destination.

Regarding the investigation, Pashinyan neither denied nor rejected its existence. He clarified that the issue at hand is not about denial, but rather about departure. He confirmed that he will leave, but assured that he will return. He pondered the motives behind painting a certain narrative and asked what we expect him to say. Additionally, he raised an amusing hypothetical scenario of breaking the legs of a monument and allowing it to remain. He observed that the situation is in motion, with people expressing their opinions and actively participating. provides the latest updates on various topics through their Telegram channel.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.