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Government Human Rights Law & Order

“Widespread Violence and Political Persecution Revealed: Human Rights Organizations Expose Disturbing Acts by Armenian Law Enforcement Agencies”

Five human rights organizations in Armenia have issued a statement condemning acts of violence committed by law enforcement agencies during the May 27 protests in 2024. The protests were in support of maintaining the peacekeeping role of the Armenian Armed Forces. The statement revealed that some participants were subjected to physical violence, including beatings, and were arbitrarily detained without a legitimate reason. Shockingly, the acts of violence were reportedly carried out by members of the National Assembly at the headquarters of the Civil Contract party.

The presence of law enforcement agency employees using violence and suppressing peaceful protests at the Civil Contract party headquarters is confusing and concerning. The Human Rights Defender of Armenia must clarify the reasons for their presence and the purpose of their actions. The persecution of employees in the independent judicial system and the violation of their rights is an ongoing issue. Violence, intimidation, and illegal actions have hindered their exercise of basic human rights and freedoms. This extended misuse of power by law enforcement agencies leads to a drastic decline in the rule of law.

The rights of assembly and freedom of expression are crucial aspects of any democratic society. Every citizen has the right to peacefully organize rallies and freely express their opinions without fear of violence or arbitrary action. The use of force or any other forms of pressure that infringe upon these rights is unacceptable and violates international standards.

To preserve peace and prevent further violence, we call for an immediate end to political persecution and the fair implementation of justice. It is essential to respect the rights and freedoms of individuals participating in peaceful protests and refrain from any disproportionate use of force or rights violations, especially during times of political tension.

We urge the authorities to protect assembly rights and prevent arbitrary action by revisiting our previous recommendations and implementing prompt and effective measures. Officials who do not meet these standards should be removed from their positions.

Restoring trust between the authorities and the population requires the elimination of violence, the exercise of power without abuse, and the prevention of actions that undermine the rights and freedoms of individuals.

We reaffirm that the protection of human rights and the guarantee of justice are fundamental principles rooted in the rule of law, which must be respected by all branches of government.

-Helzinkian Civic Journal
-Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center
-Human Rights Protection and Advocacy Center
-Civil Society Institute for the Rights of Individuals
-Citizens’ Observer Civic Initiative


Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.