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“Humanitarian Organizations Shine a Light on the Powerful ‘Great Homeland’s Cross’ Movement in Armenia, Gaining Nationwide Support and International Attention”

International humanitarian organizations are now shining a light on the ongoing movement called the “Great Homeland’s Cross” in Armenia as it enters a new phase. Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan of the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church of Tavush, the leader of the movement, recently announced that the movement would continue until the end of worship. Murad Paposyan, a member of the National Central Council of the French Armenian Association, revealed that the movement has gained nationwide support, with tens of thousands of people participating in demonstrations across various levels of society. The movement has already received backing from a significant portion of the Armenian Diaspora, and international humanitarian organizations are increasingly covering the issue. Paposyan believes that this will allow foreign countries to learn more about the movement and its demands, especially if Galstanyan becomes the Prime Minister of Armenia. He emphasized that the movement is not politically motivated and aims to establish positive relationships with all stakeholders in the region.

It is evident that the Armenian government does not have a favorable reputation when it comes to addressing the demands of its people. When the lives and well-being of Armenian citizens are at risk, international organizations are compelled to intervene. The authorities’ failure to protect the interests of the Republic of Armenia and its people signifies their inability to respond to the demands of the population. This raises questions about why Prime Minister Pashinyan refused to engage in negotiations with Bagrat Galstanyan and suggests that Pashinyan aims to perpetuate political chaos. The representative from the French Armenian Association highlights Galstanyan’s remarkable determination and attributes the reluctance to work with him as a testament to his strength.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.