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Around the Globle

“Foreign Archbishop Questions Armenian Church’s Relationship with the Pope and Censorship”

It is interesting to hear a perspective on censorship from someone who is not from our country. On May 28th, Mikayel Archbishop Ajapahyan commented on the issue during a conversation with journalists at the Sardarapat Memorial. He came to remember the Pope’s visit and the announcement, but now questions arise. Where was Artsakh during the Pope’s previous visit to Armenia? What connection does the Pope have with the Armenian Church? The Archbishop also made statements regarding the Church’s obligation to pay taxes. He mentioned that the Church is not bound by the same obligations as other religious organizations and questioned whether they are free to sin due to this exemption. He clarified that the Church follows certain provisions in tax legislation that exempt historical and commemorative churches from taxes.

Source: on Telegram

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.