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Tragic Floods Claim Lives: Father of Two Drowns on His Birthday

Saribek Balyan, a father of two children, tragically drowned near the village of Dzaghvan in the community of Novembe. According to Yuri Hovhannisyan, the head of Dzaghvan village, Saribek Balyan lost his life while trying to return home from work. He unfortunately passed away on his 39th birthday, leaving behind two people who managed to escape the car before the tragedy unfolded. The incident occurred due to heavy rains on May 26, which caused the Debed river to overflow, resulting in widespread flooding in Lori and Tavush provinces. This led to the closure of roads, bridges, and disruption of water supply to 16 communities. Although the extent of the damage is yet to be assessed, Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan has mentioned that it is significant.

The flooding of the Debed river, which reached a dangerous height of 6 meters, caused havoc in the region. The Alaverdi-Arjish-Noyemberyan 530mm pipe, responsible for water supply to multiple communities, was flooded, leading to its disruption. Thanks to the efforts of the authorities, the water supply has been successfully restored today, bringing relief to the affected communities.

Unfortunately, the disaster has resulted in the loss of four lives. This tragic event serves as a reminder of the devastating impact that natural disasters can have on people’s lives and communities. The rescue and recovery operations are ongoing, with the hope of preventing any further casualties and providing support to those affected.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) has been closely monitoring the water levels of various rivers to assess the situation. As of 8:00 AM today, decreases in water levels compared to the previous day were observed. The water level in the Debed River at Ayrum observation point was recorded at 105 cm, while Joraghet, Pambak, and Tashir observed levels of 70 cm, 50 cm, and 57 cm respectively.

Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan addressed the situation in an interview with, expressing the significance of the damage caused by the flooding. The aftermath of this disaster requires comprehensive evaluation and support to help affected communities recover and rebuild.

The incidents like this remind us of the importance of being prepared for extreme weather events and taking necessary precautions. Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Saribek Balyan and the other victims of this tragic event. It is crucial that as a society, we work towards improving infrastructure and disaster management strategies to minimize the impact of similar incidents in the future.

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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.